The studio provides guidance on

video game products development

Mad Pumpkins excels in a wide range of skills in such as development, prototyping and interfaces (UX/UI Design) showcasing a strong expertise in videogames.

Customization and Accessibility

Mad Pumpkins provides guidance on video game products development, customization and accessibility.

Panels/Workshop & events

Planning and organisation of themed events, Game Jams, visual communication for exhibitions and videogames sector.

Mad Pumpkins GameStudio

Mad Pumpkins is an independent French Italian game studio dedicated to the creation of immersive gaming experiences in a playful yet educational mode, aimed at gamers interested in culturally-themed video games.
The studio provides guidance on video game products development, customization and accessibility.

The adventure began in Autumn 2019 on French soil, where the three founders first crossed paths. In late 2021 Mad Pumpkins established an Italian “S.r.l.” (i.e. Ltd.) - Startup Innovativa to start the production of our first title (MOVIEROOMS), thanks to the first funding we received.


Movierooms-Management GamE

Manage your own cinema through time!
Discover the characters that made the history of cinema
and make your personal establishment grow
and flourish through the years!

FATES-Narrative game

In this interactive story application, you yourself are the narrators, readers, heroes or anti-heroes, because you can choose the course of the adventure ...And not only that, discover the editor!


Join us now!

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